Monday, 14 September 2009

When the Diet is Restricted, Inventiveness is the Key

It's 12.12 am, and I'm trying to get this blog started. Why are introductions the most difficult? I have plenty to fill the blog with once I get going, so here goes:
I get fed up with eating. There, I've said it. What with having to have a gluten free diet, then finding potatoes affect me as badly - as do all those other vegetables in the nightshade family (peppers, aubergine) - and light on the rice, please! (and make it brown) - I sometimes, just sometimes, feel desperate for something nice to eat. If I succumb, I pay. Besides the Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), I now have Gastritis, caused by the medication for the RA. Ironic, or what?
But - and feel free to sing along - we shall overcome one day! We should be able to, shouldn't we? So, in writing this book, I positively look forward to nice things to eat as I try the recipes out and adapt old favourites - and to delving into history now and then and writing the odd story or two, to spice things up a bit.
I hope it is to your taste, too.

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